Distributed Systems

A distributed system is a collection of processors that do not share memory or a clock. Instead, each node has its own local memory. The nodes communicate with one another through various networks, such as high-speed buses.

Advantages of Distributed Systems

A distributed system is a collection of loosely coupled nodes interconnected by a communication network. From the point of view of a specific node in a distributed system, the rest of the nodes and their respective resources are remote, whereas its own resources are local.

Nodes can exist in a client-server configuration, a peer-to-peer configuration, or a hybrid of these. In the common client-server configuration, one node at one site, the server, has a resource that another node, the client (or user), would like to use. In a peer-to-peer configuration, there are no servers or clients. Instead, the nodes share equal responsibilities and can act as both clients and servers.

Resource Sharing

If a number of different sites are connected to one another, then a user at one site may be able to use the resources available at another. For example, a user at site A may query a database located at site B. Much like a user at site B may access a file that resides at site A.

Computation Speedup

If a particular computation can be partitioned into sub-computations that can run concurrently, then a distributed system allows us to distribute the sub-computations among the various sites. The sub-computations can be run concurrently and thus provide computation speedup.

In addition, if a particular site is currently overloaded with requests, some of them can be moved or re-routed to other, more lighly loaded sites. This movement of jobs is called load balancing and is common among distributed systems and other services provided on the internet.


If one site fails in a distributed system, the remaining sites can continue operating, giving the system better reliability. If the system is composed of multiple large autonomous installations, the failure of one of them should not affect the rest. If, however, the system is composed of diversified machines, each of which is responsible for some crucial system function, then a single failure may halt the operation of the whole system.

The failure of a node or site must be detected by the system, and appropriate action may be needed to recover from the failure. The system must no longer use the services of that site. In addition, if the function of the failed site can be taken over by another site, the system must ensure that the transfer of function occurs correctly. Finally, when the failed site recovers or is repaired, mechanisms must be available to integrate it back into the system smoothly.

Network Structure

There are two types of networks: local-area networks (LAN) and wide-area networks (WAN). The main difference between the two is the way in which they are geographically distributed. Local-area networks are composed of hosts distributed over small areas, whereas wide-area networks are composed of systems distributed over a large arrea.

Local-Area Networks

LANs are usually designed to cover a small geographical area, and they are generally used in an office or home environment. All the sites in such systems are close to one another, so the communication links tend to have higher speed and lower error rate than their counterparts in wide-area networks.

A typical LAN may consist of a number of different computers, various shared peripheral devices, and one or more routers that provide access to other networks. Ethernet and WiFi are commonly used to construct LANs. Wireless access points connect devices to the LAN wirelessly, and they may or may not be routers themselves.

Ethernet networks use coaxial, twisted pair, and/or fiber optic cables to send signals. An Ethernet network has no central controller, because it is a multiaccess bus, so new hosts can be added easily into the network. The Ethernet protocol is defined by the IEEE 802.3 standard. Typical Ethernet speeds using common twisted-pair cabling can vary from 10Mbps to over 10Gbps, with other types of cabling reaching speeds of 100Gbps.

WiFi is now ubiquitous and either supplements traditional Ethernet networks or exist by itself. Specifically, WiFi allows us to construct a network without using physical cables. Each host has a wireless transmitter and receiver that it uses to participate in the network. WiFi is defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard. WiFi speeds can vary from 11Mbps to over 400Mbps.

Wide-Area Networks

Sites in WAN are physically distributed over a large geographical area. Typical links are telephone lines, leased lines, optical cable, microwave links, radio waves, and satellite channels. These communication links are controlled by routers that are responisble for directing traffic to other routers and networks and transferring information among the various sites.

The first WAN to be designed and developed was the ARPANET. The ARPANET has grown from a four-site experimental network to a worldwide network of networks, the Internet, comprising millions of computer systems. There are, of course, other WANs besides the Internet. A company may, for example, create its own private WAN for increased security, performance, or reliability.

WANs are generally slower than LANs, although backbone WAN connections that link major cities may have very fast transfer rates through fiber optic cables.

Frequently, WANs and LANs interconnect, and it is difficult to tell where one ends and the other start. Consider the cellular phone data network. Cell phones are used for both voice and data communications. Cell phones in a given area connect via radio waves to a cell tower that contains receivers and transmitters. This part of the network is similar to a LAN except that the cell phones do not communicate with each other. Rather, the towers are connected to other towers and to hubs that connect the tower communications to land lines or other communication media and route the packets towards their destination. This part of the network is more WAN-like.

Communication Structure

Naming and Name Resolution

The first issue in network communication involves the naming of the systems in the network. For a process at site A to exchange information with a process at site B, each must be able to specify the other. Within a computer system, each process has a process identifier, and messages may be addressed with the process identifier. Because networked systems share no memory, however, a host within the system initially has no knowledge about the processes on other hosts.

To solve this problem, processes on remote systems are generally identified by the pair <host name, identifier>, where host name is a name unique within the network and identifier is a process idntifier or other unique number within that host. A host name is usually an alphanumeric identifier, rather than a number, to make it easier for users to specify. For instance, site A might have hosts named "program", "student", "faculty", and "cs". The host name "program" is certianly easier to remember than the numeric host address

Names are convenient for humans to use, but computers prefer numbers for speed and simplicity. For this reason, there must be a mechanism to resolve the host name into a host-id that describes the destination system to the networking hardware. The internet uses a domain-name system (DNS) for host-name resolution.

DNS specifies the naming structure of the hosts, as well as name-to-address resolution. Hosts on the Internet are logically addressed with multipart names known as IP addresses. The parts of the IP address progress form most specific to the most general, with periods separating the fields. For instance, eric.cs.yale.edu refers to the host eric in the Department of Computer Science at Yale University within the top-level domain edu. Each component has a name server - simply a process on a system - that accepts a name and returns the address of the name server responsible for that name.

Routing stategies

  • Fixed routing: A path from A to B is specified in advance; The path then only changes if a hardware failure disables it. Since the shortest path is usually chosen, communication costs are minimized. Fixed routing cannot adapt to load changes however. Fixed routing ensures that messages will be delivered in the order in which they were sent.
  • Virtual routing: A path from A to B is fixed for the duration of one session. Different sessions involving messages from A to B may have different paths. This is a partial remedy to adapting to load changes. Virtual routing ensures that messages will be delivered in the order in which they were sent.
  • Dynamic routing: The path used to send a message from site A to site B is chosen only when a message is sent. Usually a site sends a message to another site on the link least used at that particular time. This method adapts to load changes by avoiding routing messages on heavily used path. One downside to dynamic routing is that messages may arrive out of order. This problem can be remedied by appending a sequence number to each message. Dynamic routing is also the most complex of the three to setup.

Connection stategies

  • Circuit switching: A permanent physical link is established for the duration of the communication (i.e., telephone system).
  • Message switching: A temporary link is established for the duration of one message transfer (i.e., post-office mailing system).
  • Packet switching: Messages of variable length are divided into fixed-length packets which are sent to the destination. Each packet may take a different path through the network. The packets must be reassembled into messages as they arrive.

Circuit switching requires setup time, but incurs less overhead for shipping each message. Circuit switching may waste network bandwidth however. Message and packet switching require less setup time, but incur more overhead per message.

Network and Distributed Operating Systems

Network Operating System

A network operating system provides an environment in which users can access remote resources by either logging in to the appropriate remote machine or transferring data form the remote machine to their own machines.

There are two major functions of a network operating system:

  1. Remote login: Users can remotely login to a machine. This can be done via the ssh facility. for example, suppose that a user at Westminster College wishes to compute on kristen.cs.yale.edu, a computer located at Yale University. To do so, the user must have a valid account on that machine. To log in remotely, the user can issue the command ssh kristen.cs.yale.edu.
  2. Remote file transfer: A way for users to transfer files from one machine to another remotely. The Internet provides a mechanism for such a transfer with the file transfer protocol (FTP) and the more private secure file transfer protocol (SFTP).

Distributed Operating System

In a distributed operating system, users access remote resources in the same way they access local resources. Data and process migration from one site to another is under the control of the distributed operating system.

Data Migration

The system can transfer data by one of two basic methods. The first approach to data migration is ot transfer the entire file to site A. From that point on, all access to the file is local. When the user no longer needs access to the file, a copy of the file is sent back to site B.

Computation Migration

In some circumstances, we may want to transfer the computation, rather than the data, across the system; this process is called computation migation. For example, consider a job that needs to access various large files that reside at different sites, to obtain a summary of those files. It would be more efficient to access the files at the sites where they reside and return the desired results to the site that initated the computation. This can be achieved via remote procedure calls (RPCs) or via a messaging system.

Process Migration

When a process is submitted for execution, it is not always executed at the site at which it is initiated. The entire process, or parts of it, may be executed at different sites. This scheme may be used for several reasons:

  • Load balancing: The processes (or subprocesses) may be distributed across the sites to even the workload.
  • Computation speedup: If a single process can be divided into a number of subprocesses that can run concurrently on different sites or nodes, then the total process turnaround time can be reduced.
  • Hardware preference: The process may have characteristics that make it more suitable for execution on some specialized processor (such as matrix inversion on a GPU) than on a microprocessor.
  • Software preference: Th eprocess may require software that is availableat only a particular site, and either the software cannot be moved, or it is less expensive to move the process.
  • Data access: Just as in computation migration, if the data being used in the computation are numerous, it may be more efficient to have a process run remotely (say, on a server that hosts a large database) than to transfer all the data and run the process locally.

Design Issues in Distributed Systems

The designers of distributed systems must take a number of design challenges into account. The system should be robust so that it can withstand failures. The system should also be transparent to users in terms of both file location and user mobility. Finally, the system should be scalable to allow the addition of more computation power, more storage, more users.

  • Transparency: The distributed system should appear as a conventional, centralized system to the user.
  • Fault tolerance: The distributed system should continue to function in the face of failure.
  • Scalability: As demands increase, the system should easily accept the addition of new resources to accommodate the increased demand.